School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 3:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

December 17, 2015 - Regular Meeting

Invocation (Superintendent Van Zant)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance


Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1;  Carol Studdard, District 2;  Betsy Condon, District 3;  Johnna McKinnon, District 4;  Ashley Gilhousen, District 5;  and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings, Organization Meeting and Regular Meeting on November 17, 2015
Attachment: Minutes - Nov 17 ORGANIZ.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - Nov 17, 2015 Regular.pdf
Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2015 Nov 17.pdf (Confidential Item)
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Proposed Allocations 2015-2016
Attachment: Allocation Summary - December 17, 2015.pdf
4. C-3 ESE Summer School Calendar 2016
Attachment: ESE Summer School Calendar 2016.pdf
5. C-4 VPK Summer Program Calendar 2016
Attachment: VPK Summer Program 2016.pdf
6. C-5 Summer Reading Camp Calendar 2016
Attachment: Third Grade Summer Reading Camp 2016.pdf
7. C-6 FLYCA Student/Employee Work Calendar
Attachment: FLYCA Student-Employee Calendar 2016-2017.pdf
Human Resources

8. C-8 Personnel Consent Agenda - December 17, 2015
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 12 17 15.pdf
9. C-9 Settlement Agreement
Attachment: 12-17-15 Settlement Agreement.pdf

10. C-10 Approval of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) 2015-16
Attachment: To review School Improvement Plans 2015-2016.pdf
11. C-11 Letter of Agreement with Health-Tech Consultants, Inc. third party evaluators for DoDEA Grant Project SALUTE
Attachment: Health Tech Project Salute.pdf
12. C-12 Interagency Agreement with the Hanley Foundation for Alcohol Prevention Education
Attachment: Hanley Foundation IA SERVICES 2015-18.pdf
13. C-13 K-12 Academic Support Services - Student Travel
Attachment: Dec 2015 - Student Travel.pdf
Business Affairs

14. C-14 Warrants and Vouchers for November 2015
Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS NOV 2015.pdf
15. C-15 Monthly Property Report - November, 2015 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-November, 2015.pdf
16. C-16 Monthly Property Report - November, 2015 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-November, 2015.pdf
17. C-17 Monthly Property Report - November, 2015 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-November, 2015.pdf
18. C-18 Monthly Property Report - November, 2015 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-November, 2015.pdf
19. C-19 Deletion of Certain Items Report - December, 2015
Attachment: Deletion Report-December, 2015.pdf
20. C-20 Budget Amendments for the Month of November, 2015
Attachment: November 2015 Board Impact Stmt.pdf
Attachment: November 2015 Board BA.pdf
21. C-21 Monthly Financial Report for November, 2015
Attachment: Monthly FS.pdf
22. C-22 Bids to Be Awarded December 2015
Attachment: Appendix 365-1 Order Form and Exhibits.pdf
Attachment: Master Agreement_Sungard_School Board of Clay Contract 365 County.pdf
Attachment: Exhibit I - Clay County Milestones.pdf
23. C-23 Bid Renewals December 2015
Support Services

24. C-24 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Ridgeview High School Roof Replacement and Gutter Repair Building 6
25. C-25 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Middleburg High School Flooring Replacement (Phase II)
26. C-26 Lakeside Elementary School Lighting Contract Award
Attachment: Lakeside Elementary School Lighting Bid Tabulation.pdf
27. C-27 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 12,17,15.pdf
28. C-28 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Keystone Heights High School Roof Replacement Building 20

Adoption of Consent Agenda
29. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C-7 that was moved to Discussion and Items C-11 and C-12 that were withdrawn.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards (None)
30. Pete Sutton - Clay County Fair Association

Minutes: Mr. Sutton thanked the Board for its support of the Clay County Fair and introduced the new General Manager, Tasha Hyder.  Although Mr. Sutton is retiring, he will continue to support the work of the Fair Board.
31. Career Academy 3 year Strategic Plan/Chereese Stewart, Director CTE
Attachment: Academy Presentation - 12-17-15.pdf
Minutes: Chereese Stewart, Director of CTE, reviewed the 3-year plan for Academy implementation in Clay County.  She reviewed the list of planned events and immediate tasks, which includes professional development training for teachers and counselors.

Scheduled Citizen Requests
32. Teresa Dixon - A Reveal of the Playbook


Ms. Dixon discussed bargaining in general and employee salaries.

33. Brandye and Brian Mackey - Fleming Island High Football


Speakers from the Audience:  Brian Mackey (husband) and Brandyne Mackey (son)

Mrs. Mackey expressed her feelings about issues pertaining to her son and FIHS football.

Discussion Agenda

34. D-1 Superintendent's Update
Attachment: 2015 Dec 17 BEST_Presentation_2015 (1).pdf

Dr. Emily Weiskopf, Director of School Improvement, Professional Development & Assessment, briefly explained the district's Beginning Teacher Program (BEST). The program provides systematic support for first-year teachers and matches them with a BEST Coach. 

Board Member Condon briefly talked about the district's relationship with Transform Northeast Florida.  A donor has given the district, through the Education Foundation,  $50,000 to meet critical needs for students.

Superintendent Van Zant encouraged parents to use the oneclay app to view a recent press conference addressing bomb threats and the misuse of social media.  He encouraged parents to check up on their students to make sure they are using social media wisely and responsibly.

35. D-2 Consider moving the February 18, 2016 and March 17, 2016 school board meetings


Motion to move the Regular February school board meeting to Tuesday, February 23, 2016, and to move the March Regular  school board meeting to Tuesday, March 22, 2016.

Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Information and Technology Services

36. C-7 Agreement Between School Board of Clay County and DES of Florida, LLC (Pulled by Mrs. McKinnon)
Attachment: DES LPO Clay 2016.12.31.2016 Programemr analyst.pdf

Speaker from the Audience:  Tracy Butler - expressed concern about "subing out"  bargaining positions.

Board discussion followed with some concerns voiced about the collective bargaining issue raised by Mrs. Butler.  Due to the critical support needed from this individual with the existing payroll system that requires a very specialized skill set, the Board agreed to approve the Agreement with the provision that Board Attorney Dan Sikes contact the labor attorney for an opinion on a possible collective bargaining conflict.

Motion to approve the Agreement.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Human Resources

37. D-3 Human Resources - Special Actions

Minutes: There were none.

38. D-4 Public Hearing to approve as advertised amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.07, Non-Discrimination
Attachment: Dec 2015 - Non-Discrimination Policy.pdf
Minutes: Chairman McKinnon opened the public hearing.  With no one present to speak to the item, the hearing was closed.  

Approve as submitted.
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

39. D-5 Public Hearing to approve as advertised amendments to the 2015-2016 Special Policies and Procedures Manual.
Attachment: S P and P DistrictDoc 15 16.pdf

Chairman McKinnon opened the public hearing.  With no one present to speak to the item, the hearing was closed.  

Approve as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Presentations from the Audience



  • Tracy Butler - confidential employee discipline
  • Wanda Clumer - bus driver duties
  • Amy Smith - bus driver pay
  • Teresa Ace - bus driver job concerns
  • Rebecca Smith - driver pay and insurance bid
  • Kim Stacey - comments made at last month's meeting
  • Renna Lee Paiva - board workshop for revenue options

Superintendent's Requests


Superintendent Van Zant gave senior staff the opportunity to address comments made during the meeting. 

  • Dr. Legutko - gave a short financial update
  • Mr. Broskie - addressed remarks about salaries
  • Mr. Hendrick - addressed data to DOE and public records requests
  • Mrs. Kornegay - announced the first District Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2016 

Mr. Van Zant announced that the Director of Purchasing position will be filled on an interim basis by Robert Waremburg.

School Board's Requests


At the request of Mrs. Kerekes, Mr. Broskie gave an update on the Board attorney advertisement and resumes received.

Board members made general comments about a variety of topics.  They wished Nancy Racine, who is retiring as Director of Purchasing, a happy retirement and wished everyone safe and happy holidays. 

Attorney's Requests

Minutes: Mr. Sikes reiterated that he would get with Mr. Holshouser and inform the Superintendent and Board of the decision pertaining to Consent Item C-7, Agreement with DES.

Adjournment (9:25 p.m.)

